・齋木悠,"ラジカル表面反応を伴う燃焼現象の研究",ながれ,Vol. 42, No. 4,pp. 251-256 (2023).
・齋木悠,"プラズマ技術と燃焼計測技術による壁面の化学的効果の解明とモデル化",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 63, No. 204,pp. 101-108 (2021).
・Saiki Y., Kuroda M., Nakura K., "Active control of coaxial jet flames under different fuel compositions through manipulation of mixing process with miniature jet actuators", Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-12 (2020).
・Nazari A.M., Ishino Y., Ito F., Kondo H., Yamada R., Motohiro T., Saiki Y., Miyazato Y. and Nakao S., "Quantitative schlieren image-noise reduction using inverse process and multi-path integration", Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 25-44 (2020).
・齋木悠,"燃焼場における壁面の化学的効果の解明とモデリング",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 62, No. 201,pp. 184-185 (2020).
・范勇,齋木悠,万遂,李敏赫,鈴木雄二,"レーザー誘起蛍光法(LIF)を用いた燃焼計測の基礎",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 62, No. 200,pp. 132-142 (2020).
・Saiki Y., Kinefuchi I., Fan Y. and Suzuki Y., "Evaluation of H-atom adsorption on wall surfaces with a plasma molecular beam scattering technique", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 5569-5576 (2019).
・Fan Y., Saiki Y., Sanal S., Suzuki Y., "H-TALIF measurement for wall radical quenching modelling in microscale combustion", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,Vol. 1052, No. 1, 12040 (2018).
・齋木悠,"非平衡プラズマを活用した壁面の化学的消炎効果の研究",静電気学会誌,Vol. 42, No. 6,pp. 275-280 (2018).
・Saiki Y., Tanaka S., Hattori S., Nakura K., Ishino Y., "Manipulation of Large-Scale Vortical Structures and Mixing in a Coaxial Jet with Miniature Jet Actuators Toward Active Combustion Control", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol. 97, No. 4, pp. 1127-1145 (2016).
・齋木悠,"燃焼器壁面の化学的消炎効果の解明とモデリング",JSME TED Newsletter,Vol. 80, pp. 2-7 (2016).
・Ishino Y., Hayashi N., Razak I.F.B.A., Kato T., Kurimoto Y., Saiki, Y., "3D-CT Measurement of an Instantaneous Density Distribution of Turbulent Flames with a Multi-Directional Quantitative Schlieren Camera (Reconstructions of High-Speed Premixed Burner Flames with Different Flow Velocities)",Flow, Turbulence and Combustion,Vol. 96, pp. 819-835 (2015).
・Saiki Y., Fan Y., Suzuki Y., "Radical quenching of metal wall surface in a methane-air premixed flame", Combustion and Flame,Vol. 162, No. 10, pp. 4036-4045 (2015).
・Saiki, Y., Tanaka, S., Hattori, S., Nakura, K., Ishino, Y., "Manipulation of large-scale vortical structures and mixing in a coaxial jet with miniature jet actuators", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 8, pp. 471-474 (2015).
・Kurimoto, N., Saiki, Y., Angele, K., Suzuki, Y., Kasagi, N., "Active control of coaxial jet mixing with manipulation of primary vortical structures by arrayed micro flap actuators", Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 411-441 (2015).
・齋木悠,鈴木雄二,"マイクロチャネル内メタン・空気予混合火炎における金属壁面の化学的効果",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 56, No. 175,pp. 80-87 (2014).
・齋木悠,田中繁弘,服部駿也,石野洋二郎,"ミニチュア噴流アクチュエータによるメタン・空気同軸噴流の混合および燃焼の能動制御",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 79, No. 807,pp. 2384-2396 (2013).
・Ishino, Y., Horimoto, K., Kato, T., Ishiguro, S., Saiki, Y., "3D-CT Measurement of Premixed Flames Using a Multi-Directional Quantitative Schlieren Optical System (Solo-measurement of Density and Combined-measurement of Density and Light-emission Distributions)", Procedia Engineering, Vol. 67, pp. 303-316 (2013).
・石野洋二郎,手嶋啓介,藤井博之,山本優作,齋木悠,"非偏心回転式容積形内燃機関の研究(機関構成・原理と作動特性)",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 79, No. 805,pp. 1805-1815 (2013).
・石野洋二郎,齋木悠,"最新の可視化技術「非定常火炎のスキャンレスCT(コンピューター・トモグラフィー)多次元計測の実際」",日本ガスタービン学会誌,Vol. 41, No. 5,pp. 394-400 (2013).
・鈴木雄二,齋木悠,范勇,"非定常燃焼場のための条件付き抽出2ラインOH-PLIF温度計測",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 55, No. 173,pp. 234-240 (2013).
・齋木悠,鈴木雄二,"マイクロ燃焼場における壁面の熱的・化学的効果",日本燃焼学会誌,Vol. 55, No. 172,pp. 138-146 (2013).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., "Effect of wall surface reaction on a methane-air premixed flame in narrow channels with different wall materials", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 3395-3402 (2013).
・Saiki Y., Kurimoto N., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active Control of Jet Premixed Flames in a Model Combustor with Manipulation of Large-scale Vortical Structures and Mixing", Combustion and Flame,Vol. 158, No. 7, pp. 1391-1403 (2011).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active Control of Swirling Coaxial Jet Mixing with Manipulation of Large-scale Vortical Structures", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol. 86, pp. 399-418 (2011).
・石野洋二郎,齋木悠,富田和史,大北雄哉,"多方向同時撮影・三次元CT法による非定常燃焼現象の可視化計測",可視化情報学会誌,Vol. 31, No. 120,pp. 9-14 (2011).
・齋木悠,大北雄哉,徐ヨウ,堀本健太,石野洋二郎,"マルチミラー光学系と三次元CT法による乱流予混合火炎の時系列三次元計測",可視化情報学会論文集,Vol. 30, No. 12,pp. 81-86 (2010).
・石野洋二郎,齋木悠,片岡誠仁,稲葉耕作,大岩紀生,"二次元密度成層界面への二次元渦対衝突過程におけるバロクリニックトルク生成の微小重力実験",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 76, No. 762,pp. 319-325 (2010).
・石野洋二郎,齋木悠,稲葉耕作,片岡誠二,大岩紀生,"二値密度場の境界領域におけるバロクリニックトルクおよび浮力渦度の生成",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 75, No. 760,pp. 2495-2503 (2009).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active Control of Swirling Coaxial Jet Mixing with Manipulation of Large-scale Vortical Structures", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 6, pp. 915-918 (2009).
・栗本直規,齋木悠,鈴木雄二,笠木伸英,"マイクロ・アクチュエータ群によるモデル燃焼器内予混合火炎の能動制御",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 74, No. 744,pp. 1843-1852 (2008).
・齋木悠,栗本直規,鈴木雄二,笠木伸英,"条件付き2ラインOH-PLIF法を用いた能動制御下における同軸噴流火炎の温度計測",日本機械学会論文集,Vol. 73, No. 732,pp. 1678-1686 (2007).
・鈴木雄二,笠木伸英,齋木悠,"マイクロ・アクチュエータ群による噴流火炎の能動制御",日本機械学会誌,Vol. 110, No. 1059,pp. 124-127 (2007).
・齋木悠,鈴江祥典,"高度小型分散エネルギーシステムの構築へ向けて",コージェネレーション,Vol. 22, No. 1,pp. 112-116 (2007).
・范勇,齋木悠,鈴木雄二,"マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展",第5編 第2章(分担執筆),NTS (2021).
Proceedings of International Conferences
・Saiki Y., Miyagawa K., "The effects of direct heating with ammonia-hydrogen-air flames on surface composition of aluminum", WiPP in the 40th International Symposium on Combustion, Milan, 4P141 (2024).
・Saiki Y., Sugimura Y., Yusa K., "Evaluation of H-atom recombination rate on SUS and quartz surfaces using a wall stagnation flame", WiPP in the 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, 1P029 (2022).
・Saiki Y., Iinuma R., Sugimura Y., Yusa K., "Evaluation of H-atom Recombination Rate on Wall Surfaces Using a Wall Stagnation Flame", The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, AbuDhabi (2021).
・Saiki Y., Akao T., Yoshinaga A., "Evaluation of OH and H radical quenching on wall surfaces by using atmospheric-pressure plasma jets", WiPP in the 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide(On-line), Others-13 (2021).
・Saiki Y., Akao T., Yoshinaga A., "Investigation on wall chemical effect through radical generation with atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium plasma jets", The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka (2019).
・Saiki Y., Kinefuchi I., Fan Y. and Suzuki Y., "Evaluation of H-atom adsorption on wall surfaces with a plasma molecular beam scattering technique", The 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, 1G14 (2018).
・Fan Y., Saiki Y., Sanal S., Suzuki Y., "Two-dimensional H-TALIF measurements and numerical simulation of methane flame under wall radical quenching", The 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, 2E12 (2018).
・Nazari A.Z., Ishino Y., Motohiro, T., Yamada R., Ishiko Y., Saiki Y., "Schlieren CT Measurement of 3D Density Distributions of Flame Kernels of Spark-Ignited Direct-Injection of Free, Cavity-Guided and Plane-Guided Fuel Jets",The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Sydney (2017).
・Fan Y., Saiki Y., Sanal S., Suzuki Y., "H-TALIF measurement for wall radical quenching modelling in microscale combustion", PowerMEMS2017, Kanazawa, T3B.1 (2017).
・Nazari A.Z., Ishino Y., Ishiko Y., Motohiro T., Yamada R., Saiki Y., Miyazato Y., Nakao S., "Schlieren CT Measurement of 3D Density Distributions of Perfectly and Imperfectly Expanded Supersonic Micro-jets from Circular and Rectangular Micro Nozzles",The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Okinawa (2017).
・Wan S., Fan Y., Saiki Y., Marutra K., Suzuki Y., "Investigation of Wall Chemical Effect on DME Weak Flame in a Rectangular Micro Channel with a Streamwise Temperature Gradient", WiPP in the 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, 1P123 (2016).
・Saiki, Y., Tanaka, S., Hattori, S., Nakura, K., Ishino, Y., "Manipulation of large-scale vortical structures and mixing in a coaxial jet with miniature jet actuators", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer'15, Sarajevo (2015).
・Ishino Y., Hayashi Y., Razak IFBA., Saiki Y., "3D-CT Measurement of Instantaneous Density Distributions of High-Speed Premixed Turbulent Burner Flames with a Multi-Directional Schlieren Camera (Effects of Flow Velocity on 3D Flame Front Shape)",The 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, ASTFE, NewYork (2015).
・Ishino, Y., Kato, T., Kurimoto, Y., Saiki, Y., "3D-CT Measurement of an Instantaneous Density Distribution of a Turbulent Premixed Flame with a Multi-Directional Quantitative Schlieren Camera",The 10th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements, Madrid (2014).
・Saiki Y., Fan Y., Suzuki Y., "Radical quenching on metal wall surface in a methane-air premixed flame",The 35th International Symposium on Combustion, SanFrancisco, 5G01 (2014).
・Teshima K., Yamamoto Y., Fujii H., Saiki Y., Ishino Y., "Fundamental Design of a Rotational I.C. Engine "Ishino Engine" with no Eccentric Rotational Component", The 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Takamatsu (2013).
・Ishino Y., Teshima K., Fujii H., Yamamoto Y., Saiki Y., "Development of an Novel Non-eccentric Rotational Engine "Ishino Engine"(Fundamental Configuration and Characteristics)",The 19th Small Engine Technology Conference, Hiroshima (2013).
・Ishino,Y., Horimoto, K., Kato, T., Ishiguro, K. and Saiki, Y., "Multi-Directional Quantitative Schlieren Observations for 3D-CT Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Density Distribution of Steady Non-axisymmetric Premixed Flame",The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju (2013).
・Ishino,Y., Teshima, K., Yamamoto, Y., Fujii, H., Saiki, Y., "A Novel Non-eccentric Rotation I.C. Engine "Ishino Engine" (Fundamental Configuration and Combustion Process)",The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju (2013).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., "Effect of wall surface reaction on a methane-air premixed flame in narrow channels with different wall materials",The 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, 2F11 (2012).
・Ishino Y., Okita Y., Saiki Y., Mizokami T., "4D-CT Measurement of a Turbulent Premixed Flame by Simultaneous Multi-Directional High-Speed Photography with Multi-Mirror Optical Capture System",The International Symposium on EcoTopia Science’11, Nagoya (2011).
・Saiki, Y., Tomoida, Y., Shiga, S., Ishino, Y., Ohiwa, N., "Measurement of a Local Burning Velocity of a Turbulent Premixed Flame by Simultaneous 3D-CT Reconstruction with 40-lens Camera and Stereoscopic PTV",The 8th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marseille (2010).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active control of swirling coaxial jet flames Wwith manipulation of fuel and air mixing process,WiPP in the 33th International Symposium on Combustion, Shanghai, 2P081 (2010).
・Fukazawa T., Saiki Y., Ishino Y., Fukuroda T., Ohiwa N., "High-Speed Expanded and Stereoscopic Imaging of Internal Multiphase Structure in a Micro PET Particle Under Abrupt Heating", International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2009, Okinawa (2009).
・Saiki Y., Kataoka M., Inaba K., Ishino Y., Ohiwa N., "Experimental Investigation of Vorticity Formation Process in a Density Boundary Layer of Burnt Gas Flow", International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2009, Okinawa (2009).
・Saiki Y., Inaba K., Kataoka M., Ishino Y., Ohiwa N., "Analysis of Vorticity Formation Process in a Density Boundary Layer of Burnt Gas Flow by Discrete Vortex Simulation", International Workshop on Environment & Engineering 2009, Okinawa (2009).
・Saiki Y., Ishino Y., Nakama T., Ohiwa N., "High-Speed Imaging of Transition Process of Flame Patternes aroud Micro PET Particles Flying through Oscillating Combustion Gas Flow", The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Kaohsiung (2009).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active Control of Swirling Coaxial Jet Mixing with Manipulation of Large-scale Vortical Structures", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer'09, Rome (2009).
・Nagae K., Saiki Y., Kasagi N., "Mechanism of Vortex Generation and Its Contribution to Mixing Enhancement in a Controlled Coaxial Jet", The 6th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul (2009).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "PLIF Measurement of a Bluff-body Stabilized Flame Controlled by Arrayed Micro Actuators", International Symposium on Structural Reliability in Energy Innovation, Tokyo (2006).
・Saiki Y., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "The Structure of a Bluff-body Held Flame Controlled by Arrayed Micro Actuators", The 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Toyama (2006).
・Saiki Y., Kurimoto N., Suzuki Y., Kasagi N., "Active Control of a Bluff-body Stabilized Flame with Arrayed Micro Actuators, International Symposium on Distributed Energy Systems and Micro Grids, Tokyo (2005).