NiTech, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Energy Conversion Laboratory


Welcome to Energy Conversion Laboratory (Saiki's Laboratory). In this laboratory, we are working on original research about thermal energy including combustion, with a focus on "surface reaction phenomena" in order to develop a carbon-neutral society. For more information, please refer to the research introduction page.

If you are interested in our laboratory, please contact Dr. Saiki.

Ammonia/Hydrogen Combustion

Industrial use of ammonia and hydrogen combustion for a decarbonized society.

Wall Chemical Effect

Radical surface reaction for development of high energy density combustors.

Sabatier Catalytic Reaction

Sabatier catalytic reaction (Methanation) for effective use of natural energy and carbon dioxide.

Direct Measurement Technique for Surface Reaction

Development of plasma molecular beam scattering and thermal desorption techniques for direct measurement of surface reactions.

Numarical Simulation for Surface Reaction

Numerical simulation considering heat/fluid flows and detailed chemistry of gas and surface phase.

Active Control of Gas-turbine Combustion

Active control of gas turbine combustion through manipulation of jet flow vortical structures and associated mixing.



・2024. 9. Our homepage has been renewed.


・2024. 7. Presented at the 40th International Combustion Symposium @ Milan.